Couples In-Person Intensives

Couples intensives with Christa are available in Summer 2025 (available dates June through August) and are unique to your relationship since each marriage creates its own light and shadows and comes together and apart in different times and with varying seasons and stresses.

The main framework options for a couple’s coaching intensives with Christa revolve around using the Enneagram in your marriage.

Day One Generally, we walk through your particular story as well as your type and triad issues, as well as your competing survival instincts and desires, including sexual desires.

We cover this in two 2.5-hour sessions with a 1.5 lunch break in between, and the lunch break is either with Christa at Panera Bread or a similar nearby venue or on your own (there are many special dining establishments if you want something a bit fancier on your own).

Day Two We walk through conflict styles and healing attachment wounds as well as finding your values and ways of shining together. Once again, we cover this in two 2.5 hour sessions with a 1.5 lunch break in between, and the lunch break is either with Christa at Panera Bread or a similar nearby venue or on your own (there are many special dining establishments if you want something a bit fancier on your own).


The main pricing for a total of 10 hours is $3000 with a $500 deposit upon booking, taking the total down to $2500 due 24 hours before arrival. This covers each of the sessions, including both days (5 hours each day). This includes a Truity report of each of your Enneagram types, if desired.

Add On

Add on a Myers-Briggs (MBTI) component for an additional 1.5 hour segment before or after Day 1 or 2 meeting or over lunch. We will go over which functions each of you use and how you can incorporate them together for more healthy relating. Addl’l $500 and includes a Truity report of your Myers-Briggs.

Advanced Add-On

Add on a unique/personalized coaching report for your take-home use integrated by Christa using the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs (MBTI), and Big 5 assessment. Addl’l $300 for a three-page report tailored to your marriage.

Learn to redesign your story together!